Monday, March 31, 2008

The Snowman.

Winter has graced us with one final(I hope) day of winter and I am very thankful because Dom has finally done it!!!! Dominic has made his 1st snowman....I know what you're thinking he's 4 but up until this year Dominic has never been a winter kind of kid. He has NEVER liked the cold or wetness of the snow. So we would get him all bundled up and in less than 5 minutes he would fall in the snow and want to come back in. This year he has finally discovered that snow can be fun!! Everytime we have tried to make a snowman this year it has never worked out and we end up making snow mountains, snow volcanoes or snow forts. Today was the perfect snow and with Daddy's help Dominic made the 1st snowman to ever grace our frontyard. Hooray for you Dominic!!!

In honor of it being baseball opener Dominic decided that after the snowman was built it was time to use it for batting practice. Boys will be boys:)

Sunday, March 23, 2008

The Letter

We hope everyone had a wonderful Easter!!! Dominic and I have been talking about the Easter bunny all week and Friday night he deceided we needed to write him a letter so the Easter Bunny knew what everyone wanted. Here is the letter he dictated to me...

Dear Easter Bunny,
Dominic would really love a Star Wars video game. He would also like:
-a pair of red shorts.... size 3T
-a yellow and blue ax
-a blue violin with a white stripe
-a new bright white football
-a new dark blue and bright white guitar
-a storm trooper costume and mask(because Santa didn't bring it for me)
-The Death Star Legos...

Please bring Lincoln:
-a new bouncy seat, because the one he has toy bar breaks when I try to pick it up. Oh and it should be black and white.
-a dark black and bright blue rattle
-a red and pink bat to snuggle with at night
-a bright blue cookie monster book with red and black pages
-a black and white hat

Please bring Dad:
-a red and white elephant to snuggle with
-a new black and red winter hat with a pink and dark blue Spiderman on it.

Please bring Mom:
-a dark black and pink hat with a black and red remote on it
-snow pants and a snow shirt
-a blue and red sweater.

Randy really needs a 6 foot bone and the cats need a toy. Niko's should be grey and pink and Zoe's should be pink and white.

So we left this letter out last night for the Easter Bunny.
The Easter Bunny did get him the Star Wars game on his list, but of course she got the game for the wrong XBOX.
Jeremy said "I'm sorry buddy but you can't play this game on our system" Dominic goes "That's ok Daddy the Easter Bunny forgot to come down and check what video system we have. We'll just have to take it back to Target and get a new one:)"

Friday, March 14, 2008

Happy 3 Month birthday Linc!!!

Wow 3 months already. It seems just like yesterday we brought him home from the hospital. On Monday he rolled over from his back to his tummy. I thought it was an accident so I rolled him back over. He did it again and then just laughed at me like ha ha mommy I'm not going to stay here for very long. He LOVES to watch Dominic, so I'm sure he can't wait to get moving and follow him all around:) He is growing into a happy baby. He does still have his fussy times, but it is getting less and less by the day. We are very grateful to have him and love him very much...Happy 3 months Linc!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

My Rockstar!!

The other day I was sitting on the couch feeding Linc and watching Dominic play. Most of the time when
Dom plays by himself he recites Dr. Suess story's, sings or just makes up conversations. On this day he was singing and I was actually in tune and listening to what he was saying. Here are the 2 songs he performed that morning that cracked me up:

Song 1..I call it Mommy Loves Me...

...123 My mommy loves me...
..123 My mommy loves me...
..When my baby cries I sing to him..
..123 My mommy loves you...
..123 My MOMMY LOVES ME!!!!!!!!...


Song 2....I call it Love You all my Life...

I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life

This song he sang a couple of started out sweet and soft and transfored towards a green day sort of version and finally he ended with a screaming death metal version....

What a sweet boy he is:)