Friday, April 18, 2008

4 Months

Well time is just flying by Linc is 4 months already. We had his check up Tuesday and he is 16lbs 14oz (93rd %) and 27 1/2 inches long (99 %). What a big boy:) He has found his toes and LOVES to grab them whenever he has the chance, he also grabs everthing and heads it straight for his mouth. He has found his high pitched happy squeel and is very tickelish...He is also starting to sit by himself ...I can't wait to see what 5 months brings us..

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The conversation...

Lately we have been talking to Dominic about hurtful words and teasing, but you never really know how much kids are getting from what you are telling them. The other night we were at my in-laws (Gail and Arlo's) for dinner and to bottle the beer Arlo and Jeremy had made.
After dinner I was feeding Linc and Oprah's Big give happened to be on the TV. Gail asked me if I had been watching it and I told her yes I TIVO it but Jeremy makes fun of me because I always end up crying during it(I'm a sucker for that kind of stuff..) As I'm sitting in the rocking chair feeding Linc and talking to Gail Dom comes over to me and very seriously says" I need to have a conversation with Daddy". I said "Really Ok ...About what?" Dominic says "I hear Daddy's been teasing you. I need to have a conversation with him about that. We do NOT tease" So he goes to the back room where Jeremy and Arlo are bottleing the beer and says "JEREMY we do not tease" Jeremy says "OK buddy who's been teasing? Dominic says." I hear you been teasing Mommy.. That is not acceptable..we do not tease it is hurtful. You should go tell her you're sorry and if I hear of you teasing Mommy again she will have to put you on the naughty step for at least 6 minutes..." It was hilarious to see him actually put it into his own context...I guess he really is listening to us:) More than we even are aware of..