Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Last night I was sitting with Dom while he was eating his bedtime snack and he wanted to watch something on TV. I told him "No it was too late" and reminded him it was bed time. So out of left field he just shouts "MOM I HATE YOU" I said really? You hate me because I won't let you watch TV at 8:00pm when it's bed time? He said "Yes your rules are ridiculous. I want to watch a show" I said "Well unfortunately you are 4 and you don't get to make the rules. You should be grateful you get to make as many decisions as you do. Some kids don't have parents that listen to what they have to say and those kids have to do what they're parents tell them ALL the time." Dom says" Well watch out Mom soon I'm going to be 10 and THEN you won't control me!" I said "Yes dear I will still control you when you're 10". He said "Well not when I'm 14". I said "Yes, when you're 14 too..". Then he goes "Mom how old is Daddy?" I said "33". He said "Will you still control me when I'm 33?" I said" No you will be able to make your own decisions at 33". Dom goes "Really? Does that mean I can get my own juice anytime without asking?" Ah the worries of a 4 year old....We love ya Dom.