Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What do you get when you have 2 kids + 1 parent+bedtime+sprinklers??

As I was putting Linc down to sleep tonight Dominic was supposed to be putting his Sponge Bob puzzle together. Well I guess it took me just a bit to long to get the baby fed and down to sleep, because when I came out to put Dom to bed the puzzle was finished but no Dominic. He decided that since he was done with the puzzle and I was still putting Linc down that he might as well go run through the sprinklers until I was ready...jammies and all:) Boys will be boys.

Linc's 1st boo boo...

Mr. Lincoln Pries is 7 months going on 18 months. He is Mr. fearless and believes he can stand and walk when he has minimal balance. The other day he decided he was going to stand and walk by himself. So he went from his downward dog yoga postion and pushed himself up with all his might. He did stand for about half a second until he went tumbling down and smashed his forhead into the corner of the wall. Poor little guy. Keep practicing you'll get it someday.