Saturday, October 18, 2008


Tonight while we were cleaning up from dinner Linc must have decided that maybe his shirt was to dirty or maybe he just wanted it off. So he proceeded to try to take his shirt off. Now Peek-a-boo or as we call it in our house "Where is Linc" is one of Linc's favorite games to play so as he was trying to get his shirt off he decided to play a bit of "where is Linc" in between. Here are the pictures...See how proud he is once he finally gets it off. Boy oh boy 10 months and already undressing himself, what an interesting future we have a head of us:)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Look who's walking now!!!

It's been a while since I've posted, boy where did the time and summer go? Yes it is true. We now have a 9 1/2 month toddler. Linc is walking with great confidence. He toddles around the house trying to catch his brother or one of the animals(poor Randy and Zoe), then he stops and claps for himself all with huge smiles on his face. We had Linc's 9 month apointment and he is 23lb and 2oz(89th percentile) and 30.5inches tall(98th percentile. It says on the info sheet that they give you that 50%tile is middle and 97%tile is the tallest. So I suppose Linc is just setting the bar then:)... He is growing up way to fast. We are so proud of you buddy...