Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dom's 1st Timberwolves game...

Wednesday Dominic went to his 1st Timberwolves game. He went with Daddy, Chris and his buddy Evan. They had a great time. He got to eat Chocolate ice cream and San Antonio won in double overtime( Dominic is anti-Minnesota teams except the Wild "which is the best team in sports ".)What more could a boy ask for:) Enjoy the photos....

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We all had a wonderful Halloween. Dom surprisingly was not super anxious about the day, but did like the fact that he was going to get free candy and eat a Jack-O-Lantern pizza for dinner. Dominic was Jengo Fett (which was choice #3 in the costume category. #1 was Captain Rex from Star Wars and #2 was Boba Fett neither of which were in his size.) Linc was a Lion( which he loved once he figured out he could move in it.) 1st we started off at Grandma and Grandpa Jameson's as we have done every year and then we came home and hit the neighborhood. This was actually the 1st year that Dominic has trick-or treated at "strangers" house's and at first he was a bit hesitatent to go up to the door, but after the 1st one he was all for it. Linc (Mr. Independant himself) did a great job also. He was very excited about being outside at night and he had to walk up to every door himself (clapping, smilling and babbling all the way:)..