Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

Ok so I have been completely neglecting my blog for months, but hope to get back to updating and posting more often. Tonight was Lincoln's 2nd Halloween and the 1st one where he could really get into it. Both boys were Gopher football players, which was fitting since the Gopher's played tonight. Lincoln did a great job trick or treating. As he followed Dom up the driveway and to the door each time he would say "I do trick-or-treat..Momma I do trick-or-treat" and when the person came to the door he would take 1 piece of candy no more and say "Welcome, bye bye". He had a wonderful time and at one point he stopped looked into his bucket and went "Woo Hoo" he was so excited to have all that candy. When we got home Dom was equally excited to give out candy to the trick-or-treater's, or as he called it the people coming to his candy store:) Here are some pics of Halloween and a pic of Dom anxiously looking out the window waiting for his next customer.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 5th birthday Dominic!!

Well to be fair Dominic also had his 5th birthday on the 7th. Yes we do it all in December Dom's birthday, Linc's birthday, my birthday and Christmas. It's a busy month filled with happiness and presents. This year with all the craziness we decided to have Dom's friend birthday party closer to the end of the school year when everyone is not so busy(I'll keep you all posted on how that goes). So we took him to Chucky Cheese on his birthday with 1 of his good buddies Evan, Evan's parents and Grandpa and Grandma. He had a great time and is anxiously awaiting the day when he can "go to Kindergarden". We had his 5 year doc. appointment today and he got 4 shots. We had talked about the shots before had, so he knew that they were comming, but after he got the shots with the tears still in his eyes he says"There Mommy... now they'll let me into Kindergarden". How precious is he? I hope once he actually goes to school that he will still be so excited.

Happy 1st birthday Lincoln.

It's been a while since I've posted. I can't believe how fast the weeks go bye with 2 children. Somedays are just a whirlwind and when I finally sit down at night I wonder where the day went and why I got nothing accomplished on my never ending to do list, then I remember I have 2 boys with endless energy. Lincoln turned 1 on the 14th we had his check up and he is a VERY healthy boy. He is almost 25lbs(75%) and 32.5inches tall(98%). We had a joined birthday party for Linc and Dominic(who turned 5 on the 7th) at our house. Linc enjoyed the party and loves all the presents he got as does Dominic. I am lucky they are still at an age where I can combine they're parties and they still enjoy it.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Dom's 1st Timberwolves game...

Wednesday Dominic went to his 1st Timberwolves game. He went with Daddy, Chris and his buddy Evan. They had a great time. He got to eat Chocolate ice cream and San Antonio won in double overtime( Dominic is anti-Minnesota teams except the Wild "which is the best team in sports ".)What more could a boy ask for:) Enjoy the photos....

Sunday, November 2, 2008


We all had a wonderful Halloween. Dom surprisingly was not super anxious about the day, but did like the fact that he was going to get free candy and eat a Jack-O-Lantern pizza for dinner. Dominic was Jengo Fett (which was choice #3 in the costume category. #1 was Captain Rex from Star Wars and #2 was Boba Fett neither of which were in his size.) Linc was a Lion( which he loved once he figured out he could move in it.) 1st we started off at Grandma and Grandpa Jameson's as we have done every year and then we came home and hit the neighborhood. This was actually the 1st year that Dominic has trick-or treated at "strangers" house's and at first he was a bit hesitatent to go up to the door, but after the 1st one he was all for it. Linc (Mr. Independant himself) did a great job also. He was very excited about being outside at night and he had to walk up to every door himself (clapping, smilling and babbling all the way:)..

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Tonight while we were cleaning up from dinner Linc must have decided that maybe his shirt was to dirty or maybe he just wanted it off. So he proceeded to try to take his shirt off. Now Peek-a-boo or as we call it in our house "Where is Linc" is one of Linc's favorite games to play so as he was trying to get his shirt off he decided to play a bit of "where is Linc" in between. Here are the pictures...See how proud he is once he finally gets it off. Boy oh boy 10 months and already undressing himself, what an interesting future we have a head of us:)

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Look who's walking now!!!

It's been a while since I've posted, boy where did the time and summer go? Yes it is true. We now have a 9 1/2 month toddler. Linc is walking with great confidence. He toddles around the house trying to catch his brother or one of the animals(poor Randy and Zoe), then he stops and claps for himself all with huge smiles on his face. We had Linc's 9 month apointment and he is 23lb and 2oz(89th percentile) and 30.5inches tall(98th percentile. It says on the info sheet that they give you that 50%tile is middle and 97%tile is the tallest. So I suppose Linc is just setting the bar then:)... He is growing up way to fast. We are so proud of you buddy...