Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 1st birthday Lincoln.

It's been a while since I've posted. I can't believe how fast the weeks go bye with 2 children. Somedays are just a whirlwind and when I finally sit down at night I wonder where the day went and why I got nothing accomplished on my never ending to do list, then I remember I have 2 boys with endless energy. Lincoln turned 1 on the 14th we had his check up and he is a VERY healthy boy. He is almost 25lbs(75%) and 32.5inches tall(98%). We had a joined birthday party for Linc and Dominic(who turned 5 on the 7th) at our house. Linc enjoyed the party and loves all the presents he got as does Dominic. I am lucky they are still at an age where I can combine they're parties and they still enjoy it.

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