Thursday, February 28, 2008

Keep Him!!!

The other day Jeremy and I went out to dinner and my parents watched the boys. As we were dropping them off my step-dad says to Dominic "Well what do you think of your little brother? Are you going to keep him or send him back? "
Dominic says with the most serious face.."Well Grandpa we CAN"T send him back. They would have to cut a hole in mommy's tummy and he doesn't really fit in there anymore." I guess we're going to keep him:)

Hard Work

"Boys are hard work" october 2007

One morning Dominic and I are getting ready to go to pre-school. I'm in the bathroom getting his toothbrush ready and he walks in with this serious face and says "Mama boys are hard work"...
T: Hard work huh?

D: Grandpa is hard work. My Daddy is hard work. I'm hard work...boys are hard work.

T: Really who told you that?

D: Nobody I've just been noticing.

T: Noticing? What do you mean by hard work?

D: Well in the morning I have to get dressed and brush teeth before I can do what I want. My daddy has to go to work everyday before he can come home and do what he wants..that's hard work.

T: Oh I see. Well girls work hard too.

D: Nope ....girls just get to do what they want when they want...Boys are hard work.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Here I go!!!

Well I've decided to take the plunge and start blogging some of Dominic's most unique thoughts and moments. I have already started to forget some of them as he gets older and that frightens me. So now it's time to start putting them in writing...
Dominic has always been a good talker and he says most of what is going through his mind. Some of the things he comes up with are hilarious and some just make my jaw drop that at 4 years old he could even grasp the concepts. So here we go.... I hope you all enjoy them as much as I do..