Thursday, February 28, 2008

Hard Work

"Boys are hard work" october 2007

One morning Dominic and I are getting ready to go to pre-school. I'm in the bathroom getting his toothbrush ready and he walks in with this serious face and says "Mama boys are hard work"...
T: Hard work huh?

D: Grandpa is hard work. My Daddy is hard work. I'm hard work...boys are hard work.

T: Really who told you that?

D: Nobody I've just been noticing.

T: Noticing? What do you mean by hard work?

D: Well in the morning I have to get dressed and brush teeth before I can do what I want. My daddy has to go to work everyday before he can come home and do what he wants..that's hard work.

T: Oh I see. Well girls work hard too.

D: Nope ....girls just get to do what they want when they want...Boys are hard work.

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