Monday, March 3, 2008

My Rockstar!!

The other day I was sitting on the couch feeding Linc and watching Dominic play. Most of the time when
Dom plays by himself he recites Dr. Suess story's, sings or just makes up conversations. On this day he was singing and I was actually in tune and listening to what he was saying. Here are the 2 songs he performed that morning that cracked me up:

Song 1..I call it Mommy Loves Me...

...123 My mommy loves me...
..123 My mommy loves me...
..When my baby cries I sing to him..
..123 My mommy loves you...
..123 My MOMMY LOVES ME!!!!!!!!...


Song 2....I call it Love You all my Life...

I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life
I will love you all my life

This song he sang a couple of started out sweet and soft and transfored towards a green day sort of version and finally he ended with a screaming death metal version....

What a sweet boy he is:)

1 comment:

Christine Neutgens - Pixelations Photography said...

LOL I wonder where he gets it from... oh wait.... ;)