Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Happy 5th birthday Dominic!!

Well to be fair Dominic also had his 5th birthday on the 7th. Yes we do it all in December Dom's birthday, Linc's birthday, my birthday and Christmas. It's a busy month filled with happiness and presents. This year with all the craziness we decided to have Dom's friend birthday party closer to the end of the school year when everyone is not so busy(I'll keep you all posted on how that goes). So we took him to Chucky Cheese on his birthday with 1 of his good buddies Evan, Evan's parents and Grandpa and Grandma. He had a great time and is anxiously awaiting the day when he can "go to Kindergarden". We had his 5 year doc. appointment today and he got 4 shots. We had talked about the shots before had, so he knew that they were comming, but after he got the shots with the tears still in his eyes he says"There Mommy... now they'll let me into Kindergarden". How precious is he? I hope once he actually goes to school that he will still be so excited.

Happy 1st birthday Lincoln.

It's been a while since I've posted. I can't believe how fast the weeks go bye with 2 children. Somedays are just a whirlwind and when I finally sit down at night I wonder where the day went and why I got nothing accomplished on my never ending to do list, then I remember I have 2 boys with endless energy. Lincoln turned 1 on the 14th we had his check up and he is a VERY healthy boy. He is almost 25lbs(75%) and 32.5inches tall(98%). We had a joined birthday party for Linc and Dominic(who turned 5 on the 7th) at our house. Linc enjoyed the party and loves all the presents he got as does Dominic. I am lucky they are still at an age where I can combine they're parties and they still enjoy it.